Perspective view of the southern boundary of Lakshmi Planum, Ishtar Terra, Venus. The southern scarp and basin province of western Ishtar Terra in the northern hemisphere of Venus is portrayed in this three-dimensional perspective view of Magellan radar image data. Western Ishtar Terra is an Australia-sized highland terrain that is a major focus of Magellan investigations. The highland is centered on a 2.5 to 4 kilometer-high (1.5 to 2.5 miles-high) plateau, Lakshmi Planum, which can be seen in the distance and to the right. Along this part of the Planum, the surface of the high plateau drops precipitously into the bounding lowlands, with slopes that exceed 5 percent over 50 kilometers (30 miles). The numerous fractures and valleys located on and adjacent to the steep outer slope of the plateau are clues to the formation of this unusually abrupt topographic drop. Along other parts of the boundary of Lakshmi are mountain ranges that rise as much as 6 kilometers (3.5 miles) above the plateau surface to over 11,000 meters (35,000 feet) above the mean elevation of the surface of Venus. One of these mountain ranges, Danu Montes, rises over 1.5 kilometers (1.0 mile) above the plateau and can be seen in the upper center of the image. Images such as this one show the relationship of geological features to topography and yield a valuable new perception of the radar data. For example, the small dome-shaped high (center left) is a volcano that is not apparent in the normal map-view display of Magellan images. Only when combined with topography in this fashion is the nature of the feature clearly evident. These perspective views also display fractures of the surface in their actual topographic setting. Understanding the relationship of topography to these fractures, which express the stresses and motions in the outer layers of the planet, helps geologists and geophysicists to formulate and test models for the formation of western Ishtar. The results of these studies will add to our understanding of the interior forces that shape the surface of Venus